Thursday, August 16, 2012

Why an MRU student will be better off with having an ECON and Math tutor.

Students often have hard time at the beginning of semester. Especially, some courses use disciplines' jargons and seemingly complicated math stuff a lot in class. A student that has never taken those courses before usually say, "it doesn't make any sense. it is simply a torture. The prof does not think like other normal people.!" A lot of students end up giving it up or simply wish the prof will be a very generous marker. I'm talking, of course, about economics and mathematics.

There is no perfect solution, but having a tutor may help. MRU has a very well-designed peer tutor program. You can easily request tutors at Student Learning Services, T123
. However, a lot of students misunderstand the program or do not even know its existence. Here are some myths and truths about the MRU peer tutoring program.

First, I have seen several students who ask me if they must pay tutors. Absolutely not. Tutors are hired by the university. The university pays them. Then, the additional question is if students who get tutored pay the university anyways. Not really. The cost is already included in tuition. Peer tutoring is a type of student's enrollment benefit. No additional cost is incurred for having tutoring services. No matter you get tutoring, the cost is already incurred. Students can have opportunities to be successful in troubling courses with zero marginal money cost. The only cost is time that you use for it.

Second, some students think a tutor request requires very complicated process. No. All you need is fill a form, get your prof's signature, and submit it into Student Learning Services. It does not even take more than 5 minutes. I have never seen any prof who refuses to sign on it. Then, Student Learning Services will take care of the rest of the process. If you already know a registered tutor (me, me, me!!!) and want to have that person (me, me, me!!!), just refer to the name (Chun Lee!!!).

Third, I have seen some students feel uncomfortable having sessions in Student Learning Services. Well, tutors are required to have sessions only at designated locations within campus, T123 or T134. However, as long as a tutor and tutee sign in another location, then tutorial may be held somewhere else.

If you are interested in this program, please contact with Student Learning Services T123 and T134. Plus, don't forget to refer to "Chun Lee" in your request. ECON 1101, 1103, 2211, 2213 & 2221 and MATH 1200 are available Fall 2012.

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