Saturday, November 17, 2012

What Shinzo Abe would do...

The next will-be PM of Japan Shinzo Abe of the Liberal Democrats said:

"Money will be forced to go out to the market by (the government) having the BOJ buy construction bonds directly if possible...[I] would like to choose someone who supports the inflation target."(

Now, some people apparently misunderstand the concept of central bank's independence and Abe's approach is against it. His speech may sound like a violation of central bank's independence. However, it is not independent from the government in terms of policy goal. Abe is stating the next Japanese government's goal here and calling for BOJ's coordination with it.

By no means, the LDPJ is my favourite because historically it has too many figures in it that defend Japan's war crime during the WWII. However, I believe Abe's approach would be basically good and help the Japanese economy end the Lost Decades. 

Of course, here is some Austrian style complaint:

However, the truth in Japanese inflation rate is:

I clearly see a deflationary spiral here. Simply, those who believe in the stuff like central bank printing money nothing but raises price level do not understand the relationship between price level and money supply.

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